Sunday, August 5, 2012

Some thoughts...

-Mario Fannin was lost for the season today due to a torn achilles. This follows not long after news about Greg Childs going down to knee injury. Fannin was my final pick and an upside longshot, but still disappointing to see two guys with lots of talent/ability see their seasons go up in smoke in an instant.
-RGIII buyers remorse has already set in. Not because I've lost faith that he could be a #1QB, but because his development could keep me from competing this year. In retrospect, if I was going to let my team develop over time along with RGIII, then I should have went very young with my picks at WR/RB as well. As it is, right when RGIII is hopefully entering his prime fantasy years, CJ2K, Bradshaw, and M. Austin will be on the downslope and almost untradeable. To make matters worse, read this morning that Austin is having problems with his hamstring again, so he may not have any "prime" seasons left to be wasted if he continues to be undurable.
-On the bright side some of my longshot RB picks aren't looking so bad. V. Ballard and Evan Royster seem to be in the lead amoung their committees, but preseason games haven't even started so I can't let my hopes get too high.

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